Meet your Facilitators from Latinas Talk Dinero

Lesson Summary

Welcome everyone,

I'm Alejandra. I'm a proud daughter of immigrants, first generation college student and personal finance educator. And I'm Raylene a proud Latina as well, third generation Bay Area native and also a first generation college student. And together, we co-founded Latinas Talk Dinero, a platform dedicated to providing anti-racist, culturally relevant and bilingual personal finance education.

At Latinas Talk Dinero we believe that personal finance education should be accessible to all and that empowering young individuals with financial knowledge can truly transform their lives. By equipping girls and gender expansive use of financial knowledge, we can break down barriers, challenge societal norms, and empower them to take control of their financial and personal lives.

For us, providing access to personal finance education is not just about teaching people how to budget or save. It's about emphasizing the importance of building wealth and creating a secure future for ourselves and our communities.

Personal finance, education, and more specifically, wealth provide opportunities and options. Which is what we want all of you to have. And it's essential to approach personal finance from a culturally competent lens. We recognize that each person watching this comes from a unique walk of life with their own values, beliefs, and experiences. And because of that, we believe in tailoring our approach to meet the needs of different communities and offering different solutions that resonate with their experience.

Our goal through these modules is to create a safe space where you can learn about finances without feeling judged. We want to empower you to make informed financial decisions that align with your personal and cultural values as well as all of your aspirations.

So in this series of modules, you will learn:

  1. About redefining wealth and how your experiences with money shape you
  2. How to start managing and organizing your finances
  3. What is credit and how to use credit responsibly?

Each section includes a workbook and a glossary for your review. We encourage you to come into this with an open mind and open heart, and most importantly, ready and willing to learn.

Let's get to work.

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